"He is very smart. He always listens to us . About 50 percent of fighters do not listen to trainers, or pretend they do but it comes right out of the other ear. They don't necessarily think they know better than us, but their own status blinds them sometimes. A fighter will continue to grow and achieve ever-higher goals, as long as they listen to their trainer. Fighters who stop listening to their trainers will remain on the same level and eventually start dropping. That is why Fedor will keep improving indefinitely.
"Another illustration of this is the way Fedya fights. In the ring he hears everything we yell at him. Often less intelligent fighters can only think of their immediate fear of their opponent and are oblivious to their corner during each round. Fedya can hear everything we say and follows instructions. Mihailich [Vladimir Mihailovich Voronin] has a voice like a bullhorn, he hears him. I am quieter and he still hears everything I say. We take turns: I yell instructions if the fight is on the feet, Mihailich if it's on the ground. He [Fedor] will come back to the corner in the break between rounds and tell us that he heard everything and thank us for the help."
- Vasilievick Michkov, the striking coach for red Devil fight team, discusses Fedor Emelianenko
- Vasilievick Michkov, the striking coach for red Devil fight team, discusses Fedor Emelianenko
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